Free Webinar | June 12th 12:30-14:30 CET

How To Empower Island Communities Through Digitalisation: Navigating Digital Solutions On Islands

Brought to you by Interreg Europe Digital Islands Project
Project Partners

Join us for an insightful webinar on empowering island communities through digitalisation. Learn how digital solutions can transform islands, enhance connectivity, and improve quality of life. This event is part of the Interreg Europe Digital Islands Project, which aims to tackle the unique challenges faced by islands, such as isolation, limited resources, and economic vulnerabilities, by promoting sustainable digital solutions.

Who this webinar is for

This webinar is designed for island stakeholders, policymakers, community leaders, and anyone interested in the digital future of islands.

Why Attend

  • Gain insights into the latest digital trends and technologies helping island communities.
  • Learn from successful island case studies and experts.
  • Understand how digitalisation can address isolation, resource limitations, and economic vulnerabilities.
  • Network with experts and peers.


Project Kickoff:

  • Introduction to the Interreg Europe Digital Islands Project.
  • Overview of project objectives and anticipated impact.
  • Addressing the unique challenges islands face in the digital era.
  • State of Digitalisation on Islands:

Current digital island landscape.
Challenges and opportunities for islands in the digital age.

Keynote Speakers:
Hear from leading experts in digitalisation and smart island solutions.

Best Practices Presentations:
Eight to nine short presentations on successful digital projects, companies, and technologies currently implemented on islands.

Keynote Speakers

Joe Dignan
Smart Islands Expert
Dr. CLaire Nelson
The Futures Forum
Mariota Smutz
Digital Jersey

Don’t miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of island digitalisation. Register now and be part of the digital transformation!

Brought to you by Interreg Europe Digital Islands Project